Our story
With a passion for working with people and supporting them through grief and at the end of life, we talk freely about death and dying as these natural points in our lives can have a profound existential and transformational effect on us.
We offer so much more than just grief therapy. We specialize in areas of grief that are not death related, such as losses due to chronic illnesses, relationships ending, transitions in life etc. Our focus is on providing support throughout life to those who work as caregivers. We are also focused on being trauma-informed and offer support with trauma as well.
We aim to break down the stigma or fears about death and dying. We hope to increase knowledge and compassion in our community and encourage discussions surrounding the end of life and grief.
As we grow our practice, our goal is to expand the services that are offered to support those experiencing end-of-life challenges even more holistically. This means increasing the modalities and forms of support we provide.
The lark is a symbol of joy and hope. They are the song birds that call us home in the morning. They are our symbol for rebirth and the start of the day.
The raven is the symbol of death and the night. They are full of wisdom and protection in our darkest hours. They guide us on our journeys.

Build hope, well-being, and knowledge by providing compassionate mental health support.
Be a community leader in holistic end-of-life and bereavement care.

Compassion • Community • Empathy • Autonomy • Integrity • Authenticity • Honesty • Dignity • Respect
We are committed to a trauma-informed approach and creating a culturally sensitive and inclusive environment. We value dignity and respect for all persons and life. We have high standards of ethical practices and follow closely our codes of practice. Our team is continually growing in our competencies and we value a team approach to supporting each other.
In the spirit of respect, reciprocity and truth, we honour and acknowledge Moh’kinsstis, and the traditional Treaty 7 territory and oral practices of the Blackfoot confederacy: Siksika, Kainai, Piikani, as well as the Îyâxe Nakoda and Tsuut’ina nations. We acknowledge that this territory is home to the Métis Nation of Alberta, Region 3 within the historical Northwest Métis homeland. Finally, we acknowledge all Nations – Indigenous and non – who live, work and play on this land, and who honour and celebrate this territory.